The study of engineering geology


In teaching, we are mainly involved in the study course Applied Geosciences.

In the bachelor's programme this includes the course Fundamentals of Engineering Geology (4 SWS) with an introduction to the entire thematic breadth of engineering geology, which forms the basis for the in-depth courses in the master's programme. The bachelor programme is complemented by an internship of several days in the course Geological field exercises, in which students are introduced to basic engineering geological field methods, as well as alternating excursions.

In the Master's programme we offer our own profile together with the Department of Hydrogeology. Here, engineering geology is further deepened within the framework of the courses. Thematically, the profile is supplemented by modules in terrain and laboratory methods, mass movements and modelling as well as near-surface geothermal energy.

In both the Bachelor and Master programmes we supervise numerous student research projects and final theses, mostly embedded in current research projects. In addition, we offer courses and theses in engineering geology for the study courses Geoecology, Water Science & Engineering and Geophysics.